Friday, December 24, 2010

Christ our Lord is Born!

Undoubtedly the reason for the season is Jesus! It is sometimes very hard to comprehend that someone would not only die for the world but for a world full of people He didn't know, well He knew them in spirit. Which is another mind boggling thing. I couldn't be more thankful for the gift He gives us in salvation and I don't know if words will EVER be able to express what it means to mankind, but what I can say is Happy Birthday we love you Jesus!

I recently gave birth to my 4th child, Remi Anne, she is the light of our life as all our children are, so I sit here trying to comprehend  what Mary, the Most Holy Virgin and Mother of our Lord, went through! She gave birth and loved Him like no one else can and yet she knew He was here to save the world! Saving the world meant death and Resurrection!  I cannot fathom loosing my children. That thought is painful. I will be forever grateful to Mary for that Yes and I will always remember what that Yes meant for her, Him and us. I will always remember the strength she must have had to have to say yes to such pain.
For His birth is also about Her and anyone who thinks otherwise is not looking at the whole story. He couldn't have come if that young peasant girl had said NO! Her Yes in His birth saved us all....she is part of the story and deserves recognition. I can only pray and hope for her type of strength!
As I look at my newborn this holiday season I am reminded just how hard and yet fulfilling Mary and Jesus are as a team. It takes me and Remi to keep her alive. As it took Mary to keep Jesus alive. From nursing her young son, to raising Him right before God.

My prayer for this season & new year is that I may grow closer to Jesus threw His Mother. That I may become the other Mary was! That I will remember the hardships they faced in bringing our Savior into the world and how everyday she is and was the Mother of our Lord. Our children are made in the imagine of our Lord and we are given the privilege to raise them! As I look into the eyes of my daughter while she nurses I am more aware of what Mary thought while she nursed our Lord. There isn't any stronger a love then from a parent to a child.

Wow it doesn't get better then that as a mother. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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