Sunday, December 12, 2010


After trying to eliminate several things from my diet in an effort to stop the fussiness my newest addition is exhibiting in the evenings I have come up blah! I don't think my diet has anything to do with it. All the garlic, a cup of joe here & there and vegies don't seem to have anything to do with it. Thankfully!! On the other side, she is still fussy sometimes in the evenings. I am thinking she is just being a newborn and getting over stimulation out the best way she can, crying and fussing...Oh well I just tell myself, "this too shall pass"!!

Today is the last day of our visit with Grandma Baker-Skaggs  and it is sooo bitter-sweet! We have been blessed to have company (especially her) and we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves...((here is a shout out to family & friends, COME VISIT)) So Sweet to have her and all she brings, from knitting wash clothes with the girls, to playing trucks with Ryan, cuddling Remi and giving me (&Chris) a taste of home with a splash of long conversations. Sadly all things come to an end and tonight we will say our goodbyes! :(

When you move far away from the convenience of family, you realize the blessing in enjoying and appreciating their love & presents in your life. My children have the best of it because they get these special times that we cram so much in such a small amount of time yet they long for grandparents to attend school functions and holidays. Like I said bitter-sweet!

Now what..............

1 comment:

  1. Rory was super fussy, too those first few weeks. I don't think it's anything other than their little digestive systems regulating. Laying off dairy didn't totally alleviate the problem, but it helped a little...
    I know what you mean about having family live far away! I often wish my parents were closer, not only for my and the kids' sakes, but for their sakes also. The kids change so much between visits!
