Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Moving on & on & on

So we recently made a huge move to Fort Bliss Texas per Chris' orders. This move wouldn't have been so bad if I was, A. not pregnant & B. had not just made a move from IL to WA! We were hoping to get orders to stay in Washington at Fort Lewis. I was beginning to feel as though that was "home".  But no such luck!  I feel like I left my "other" family there and we miss them dearly! We miss our church the most. We are adapting to El Paso and have made some wonderful friends. In fact some of our Fort Lewis family has recently come here too. Finding my way around while living 5 miles from the deadliest city in Mexico has been an experience in itself. I realized after two weeks that I could not allow that to keep me from exploring this beautiful area. See exploring for me makes it start to feel like "home". I need that "homey" feeling to not feel homesick. Of course I need to know where my Target and Mall are located.  Shopping is essential. ((LOL))  Learning things about your living environment is the best way to begin to relate to the area. I must say I have learned alot. Thankfully not all bad like I had expected. I even ventured downtown to Rylie's Dr's appt last week and I was not afraid in the least bit, except for when I, on the way home, thought retracing my steps would lead me home but instead lead me down a one way. OOPS!! Yes everyone was screaming at me no your going the wrong way, as if I didn't realize that! But thanks "peeps" for the concern and help!

Which leads me to the one wrong way that took awhile, realizing I was missing Him in my life....that one took awhile. As I take a deep breath and sigh a sigh of relief that thankfully nothing major happened while I was away from His protection, I also sigh in sadness.
It seems as though every time we move I fall into a prayer hole. I can't seem to either remember or find time to get in my "prayer closet".  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. I reached the point I know that not praying daily is insanity. Thinking it can wait is insanity. Hoping to find time is insanity because it will never come if I don’t make it happen. Yet through my insanity ((which is how I describe all my bad behaviors)) God waits patiently saying “I am here”!  I want to knock on that door and say "hey I am home" but the child in me is ashamed for my lack in seeking the ultimate relationship which sustains me. The adult in me says, "get over it and go home to Him for He is waiting"!  Moving does not mean I can take a hiatus from my "prayer closet" in fact it means I should be praying for more like safety on the trip and health while traveling. So I am learning lessons with every day even if in the moment I don't even know it. Moving on to the next lesson..............we shall see!

Til then

ps WA family we miss you and love you and will see you again!~ Forever embedded in our hearts!!!!!!!

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