Monday, December 6, 2010

Cleaning for Life~

I have been reading Jordan Rubin, MD book 'The Maker's Diet' which is all about Gods way our life should be in regards to health.  He has such good references to biblical reasons for and reasons why not to include certain things in our diets.
One thing that caught my attention, mainly because I am an OCD cleaner, is that Americans are too clean. What? Really? we are TOO clean? How else do we keep bugs and bacteria at bay? I certainly do not want to be sick!!!  But seriously I have to clean or my mind is not clear. I cannot go to bed with dishes in the sink or house not vacuumed (yes for the 2nd time that day) but honestly I never thought we as a nation were too clean. I also cannot stand to see dust on anything. 
Not saying I am going to stop my vacuuming and dusting but I suppose letting my little boy play in the dirt and mud isn't that bad, as long as they are cleaned afterwards that is.

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