Friday, December 17, 2010

EarMarKs?! ChAnGe! ChAlLeNGe???

I love this country, I love my family and I love being free! However there is a cost that it seems the rest of the world doesn't see or notice when they are looking from the outside in. It would seem that America is the land of the free and the land of opportunity, but what no one out there notices is that it comes with a price. A hidden price. Yep it stuck inside those very laws and bills passed to keep us free. At this point we are as free as our $8trillion debt. Yeah that's pretty free right? BS! I am calling it as I see it BS!! Someone needs to stand up against this BS and call it!! We need to get back to the basics that this country of the great land of the free was based on. I am not usually one to complain or "bitch" about this stuff but darn it I am done! I have children who will be adults one day and be dealing with this and possibly at a worse level if we don't stop it NOW! Our founding fathers suffered for us, I do not see a politician now suffering in anyway for the good of the people!! Where are our "fathers"? YOU know the men set out to fight for us and be our voice!

Christmas is about giving and waiting for the gift of love to come and save us. Please Government wake up and be that while we are stuck here on earth!! Make our world a better place for good!  America is crying out for it...there needs to be a shift!


  1. There IS so much that needs to be changed! It's scary to think what things might be like when our children are older, however, I am SO glad that I don't necessarily have to "worry" about it. God can take care of them WAY better than I could ever even dream.

  2. I have questioned myself a thousand times when I get pregnant, "is this selfish" only because I worry what our kids will go through when they are older. However after a nudge from God that all children are gifts who can change the world, I realize there has to be someone to help make a difference later so my ultimate job is to raise them right and guide them in being life changers! ahh! I have to remember God blesses us with children so He truly does have a plan for them! In God I trust!
