Thursday, December 16, 2010

TaKe CaPtIVe yOuR tHouGhtS & WoRDs! hmm....

The bible says in Corinthians to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ! WOW!! I really acknowledge today that I am not obedient to that one powerful powerful command. It quite possibly could change the world if we as people of God could take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. I know most of you know I am sometimes, lol, to out spoken. I sometimes say things without thought behind it of whether it is appropriate for the time or not. Mostly to my own children and husband, whom I love more then words can express. Don't get me wrong we should be honest and not afraid to hurt someones feelings for their own good, but in a loving, respectful God sort of way. Not oh here's the truth whether it hurts your feelings or not cause you love me you will forgive me sort of way. I am so much more coherent of who I am these days then any other time in my life. I am recognizing my role in my family, life and universe more and more. What role can just a word from me play in someones life? I want to be the up lifter not the one who tore someones world apart. I want my children to look at me and say 'she knew when to and when not to" in all areas of life. I need to question myself daily maybe even hourly, Am I doing my job as a christian mother with integrity teaching my children to be contributors to the kingdom of God or NOT??!
As adults we are vulnerable to the slightest touch of Satan. We then need to realize how much more our children are vulnerable. I need to be in control of myself, my actions and my thoughts. The battle of the soul starts in the mind. The battle of their soul starts in their parents. Parents are their first instructors of God and foremost the leader of things to come.

I today am recognizing my faultiness in this area and making the commitment to change what needs to be changed. It will be a battle I know but a battle worth fighting. Remember the bible does say "fight the good fight of faith"! I can and will do this....power in the thoughts and words...ahh step one step two, daily remembrance.

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