Thursday, December 2, 2010

LoVe; the most Googled word?

Today while I was watching a DVR'd Oprah show I learned something that did not surprise me at all, the most googled word in the world is Love...the four letter word we long to hear and often hold back from saying to those who are most important to us.  It further boggles my mind that with all the things weighing down the world and its people, Love is the One thing longed for yet so attainable. I think we long for love of others because we were created from Love. The ever loving all powerful God who can restore peoples need for love if and when they feel its missing yet they search the internet for it and most times come up empty handed. I wondered today if all those searching for love gave 2 weeks ((even just 2 minutes)) to God and to studying his Word would they still feel empty and in need. Maybe if they tried to give love, as it is said "it is better to give then to receive" would they feel the same. I know everyone has different circumstances for the lack of love or need of love, but the end result is the same, they are all searching. So why not try searching for the one thing totally and completely attainable. GOD! a 3 letter word that we all can say and is universal among nations. Maybe not the same God to everyone but still the most High God, Father Almighty to us all.

So I am challenging those who have ever "googled" love to commit to 2 weeks of seeking the one true Love, God! After truly putting all of yourself in finding Him I can bet that you will find not only Love but you will find a new you .....the person you are in Christ Almighty! Believe when I say once you find that person you will love that person and never ever wanna change or go back to the old you. Shedding a heavy coat of burden or past mistakes is well "lightening" lol!

An amazing quote "you must be the change you wanna see in this world"

So give a little love away and I know you will reap what you sow.

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