Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It is in the quietness that you can really feel alive.  It is at this moment of quiet you allow the giver of life to get inside and fill your heart up with overflowing waters, to give such abundant joy and love that He so richly longs to give us.

I find myself longing sometimes for quiet and at other times I fear it.  I know its good for my soul to have time to be quiet and to open up to the things necessary for me to hear from God. I know its powerful for my spirit to absorb all there is to receive from His grace.  I know that I am human and sometimes the quietness is overwhelming. Whether it is because I may have not been meeting the requirements of the Lord and need to be corrected in His love or not.

I have come to learn a very important lesson though, there is a difference in being in quietness and being alone. I have learned I fear being alone. Alone seems to tell my soul its empty. I never want to be empty. I want to be filled up with love of Christ and those around me. I want to give the same love to someone, anyone! In the quietness however I can rejuvenate that love by spending quiet time with Christ where He teaches me how to love and receive love.

This Christmas I am relearning that the important things are not what "we" the society think or say it is. The important thing is Him!  Period!  In that quietness of night when He our King was born, nothing else mattered to Mary or Joseph, nothing but that baby whom they loved. When they thought they were totally alone is when they realized they were most connected to every soul on earth and our God all at the same time. We too can connect to that important part of Christmas by stopping the noise and finding the quiet where we can connect to his Peace, Hope and Love!

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